Monday 29 June 2009

Loooooongest Marriage........

Till Death Part Us.....

Philipose Thomas (100 years at the time)Sosamma (99 years and six months at the time) of Kerala India,tied the nuptial knot on 17 february 1919.They were married for 86 years 4 months.

Liu Yung-yang (1900 - July 2003)Yang Wan (1899 - ?) of Taoyuan, Taiwan,married during th month of April 1917.They remained married for 86 years 3 months.

Sir Temulji Bhicaji Nariman and Lady Nariman of Mumbai (Bombay), India were married in 1853 at five years old. They stayed married for 86 years until Sir Temulji’s death in 1940.

Lazarus Rowe and Molly Weber were allegedly married in Greenland, New Hampshire, USA, in 1743.They remained married for 86 years until 1829 when Lazarus died.

1 comment:

  1. hey me being a keralite never knew this..real gud work
