Monday 29 June 2009


Hi friends, this is dedicated to my Indonesian friends... I just browsed to know about their place... Got lots of details... Think all are correct.. If not inform me...

Fourth most populated country in the world

There are 316 ethnic groups which speak 670 dialects in Indonesia

Around 400 volcanoes are in Indonesia,and 150 out of them are active, which represents 75% of all active volcano on the planet.

Indonesia has the longest coastline in the world.

Indonesia is probably the last country in the world, which has still unexplored territories, and is not completely mapped.

Indonesia, is the largest Archipelago in the world.

If you could spend only 1 day on each island of Indonesia, you would need 48 years to see all of them.

25% of the world coral reefs in Indonesia.

Indonesia has the biggest underwater biodiversity in the world.

Indonesia is the 2nd largest global biodiversity (water + land + air) after Brazil.

Disturbed frequently by natural disasters.

The biggest island in Indonesia is Sumatra, which is a part of the Greater Sunda Islands.

The local name of Indonesia is ‘Tanah Air Kita’, which means Our Land and Water.

The national motto of Indonesia is ‘Unity in Diversity’.

Indonesia boasts of thousands of islands, out of which around six thousand are inhabited.

Marco Polo was one of the first European to visit Indonesia.

Indonesia is home to Komodo dragon (varanus komodoensis), the largest lizard in the world.

Indonesia is a republic, with an elected parliament and president.

Capital: Jakarta

Official Languages: Indonesian/Bahasa

Currency: Rupia

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