Sunday 21 June 2009

"Yeti a myth or reality still a mystery"

Yeti an inhabitant of the Himalayan region(Nepal and Tibet) is a mythical creature.BigFoot in Pacific NorthWest of America is also a similar legend.Yeti is a Tibetan word meaning bear in a rocky place.Other names include Meh-teh,Dzu-teh,Migoi,Mirka,Kang Admi,Ban Manche,Kanchenjunga Rachhyyas,etc.

First sightings of Yeti were recorded in the diaries and papers of British officials residing in the Himalayan region, during 19th century।B।H Hodgson was the first to mention about Yeti.First reliable report about Yeti was made by N.A.Tombazi in 1925.He couldn't photograph Yeti but only its footprints. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay had also reported about Yeti .

Based on various reports composite description of Yeti would be,
*Giant ape-like, hairy monster.
*Short legs and long arms
*Naked face(without fur)
*Black and Brown
*Can stand on knuckles like a gorrila
*Foot is almost square and too large
*Nine-foot tall
*Benign creature
All together Yeti is a tall human being,walking upright and clothed uniformly with fur।


Footprints were similar to those of a man, six to seven inches long by four inches wide at the broadest part of the foot.Five distinct toes and the instep were obiviously marked,but the trace of the heel was indistinct.The prints were one-half to two feet apart indicating that Yeti's legs are short.

Stories about Yeti come in the form of trails found,shapes seen at a distance,face-to-face encounter by local people।Expeditions to trace Yeti found only footprints,scalps and hides.

Scientists' observation about footprints:Scientists couldn't confidently match the footprints with any known living creature.Some feel that probably it would be the trails of a languar monkey or a bear.Due to sun's rays footprints in snow can change shape and grow larger.Still bear/monkey theory will not work as these animals move on all four feet.
"Yeti a myth or reality still a mystery"

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