Saturday 11 July 2009

Waste Reduction

  • Use a shopping bag and refuse unnecessary carrier bags.
  • Buy refills.
  • Buy fruits and vegetables loose, not pre-packed.
  • Buy re-cycled goods.
  • Buy re-usable nappies.
  • Buy soft drinks in large bottles and pour into smaller bottles for daily use.
  • Reuse wrapping paper, packing materials and envelopes.
  • Pack your lunch in a reusable box rather than foil or clingfilm.
  • Choose durable products over disposable ones, eg rechargable batteries.
  • Donate unwanted clothes to charity shops.
  • Donate unwanted furniture to furniture recycling project.
  • Buy drinks in glass bottles-they can be reused 20 times.
  • If it's broken mend it dont throw it away.
    Return clothes hangers to dry-cleaners.
  • Take glass, cans, paper and cardboard to recycling banks.
  • Compost leftover food, garden waste, paper and vaccum cleaner dust.

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