Loosers are worried about Losses and happy about Gains.
Winners are happy about Losses and worried about Gains.
For Winners try to make Success out of Losses and try not to make Gains into Losses.
Loosers will be highly satisfied with the little Gains and forget about future.
Thats why Loosers inspite of their achievements remain Loosers.
Winners inspite of their falls always remain in the Peak.
Humble is the jewel of Winners.
Boasting is the jewel of Loosers.
Winners when they have reached the peak will not be happy as they would be afraid of falling.
They would realize that the safe place would have been the plains.
At the peak, only the Winner can stand. Can the family stand with him?
Real Winner would be the one who is able create plains on the top of the peak.
What do you want to become, Winner or Real Winner?
Note: Did you understand anything.. I got this idea yesterday night when i was lying on the bed.. Decided to confuse you too... howzz it.. Read and think deeply you will find that there is something in this scribbling tooo...